Seven Reasons To Show Someone An Act of Goodness Today

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus gave his followers a fascinating instruction. He said “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven”. Because this verse is at the heart of who we are as a church at Grace Life Center, I would like to share with you 7 reasons why I believe that it is extremely important that daily, we go out of our way to bless someone with practical acts of goodness:
1. Because your acts of goodness could produce genuine repentance: when I do good to someone, especially to someone who does not seem to deserve that good, I am saying to the person “I want you to know that I love you and have accepted you because, no matter what, I think you are better than what you are now“. My act of goodness will touch a part in all humans, that yearns to live up to expectation. This is what will, together with the work of the Holy Spirit, produce a conviction that will produce change from within that is genuine and permanent. That’s why the Bible says that “it is the kindness and goodness of God – not his anger and punishment – that leads men to have a genuine change of heart and life”
(Romans 2:4).
2. Because your acts of goodness is a practical way others can experience God: when Moses pleaded to see God’s face, God responded and said “...I will make all my goodness pass before you…
“(Exodus 33 vs 19). Your acts of goodness, especially to someone who does not deserve it, can be the most practical experience of God he or she may ever experience. Keep this in mind the next time you are led to give someone a glass of water, or a hug, or visit someone in prison, or call on someone who needs company – this could be an answer to a prayer to see God the person is praying.

3. Because your acts of goodness is the best way to invite others into God’s kingdom: because God’s kingdom is filled with the goodness of “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit…” (Romans 14:17) one of the best ways you can ever invite someone into God’s kingdom is by acts of goodness that will demonstrate acceptance with God (righteousness), peace with God and joy – in the Holy Ghost. Jesus invites his follows to “go announcing the coming of the kingdom by doing good – healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead and casting out devils”. Mathew 10:7 – 8.

4. Because your acts of goodness will help defeat the lies the devil has told about God: through false propaganda the devil has been pretty successful in making God a bad God. Our Father is now made out to be the the source and author of evil in this world. Today people call destructive hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and all kinds of disasters “acts of God“. Your acts of goodness will show to all that the “act of God” in an earthquake is rescue workers pulling a baby out of alive after days in the rumble; the “act of God” is 1000 volunteers giving up their livelihood to help out where tornado or hurricane has hit. The act of God is the good samaritan stopping, at risk to his own life and resources, to help a total stranger get help. 

5. Because your act of goodness is your only way to defeat evil: are you facing evil and attack from foes within and with out? Are you facing racism, tribalism, sexism, vandalism, hooliganism and jealousy and envy from someone or others? Do not ever think that you can defeat any evil you are facing by repaying evil with evil, attack with attack, insult with insult. No! Rather, your act of goodness is your only way to defeat evil. For the bible says …If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good….“Romans 12:20 – 21

6. Because your acts of goodness show that you are a child of God:
 God is a judge. God is a ruler. God is a master. God is holy. Yet Jesus did not say that when you judge right, or when you bring law and order to a place  or when you live a holy life – that you are like you father. Rather he said when you show acts of goodness to others, especially to those who do not deserve it, then you are like your Father in heaven.
7. Because your acts of goodness will never go unrewarded: yes you goodness does not get you to heaven –  only the good deeds of Jesus does. But make no mistake about it – your acts of goodness, which you have done out of love of the Father and which have brought glory and praise to Him will not go unrewarded in heaven. So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. –
Galatians 6:9
Friends, the bible says that God “…anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power so that he went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him..”(Acts 10:38). Jesus also said – “in the same way the Father has sent me, so send I you…” If we are followers of Jesus, then we too must go out of way to do good, that God may be glorified. If you’d like to be a part of a community dedicated to going out of their way to show acts of goodness to others, we invite you to consider joining us at Grace Life Center by completing this form and someone from Grace Life Center will reach out to you. God bless you as you do.
If you’d made a decision to follow Jesus, we would love to hear from you. Please let us know by completing this short form here and we would send you resources to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus! 
If you’d like to learn more about Grace Life Center – please contact us by calling 657.206.7729 or by contacting us via our contact us form here.

One Response to “Seven Reasons To Show Someone An Act of Goodness Today”

  1. Arya says:

    機會係個天俾嘅 yes. BUT it is only those who are prepared that can see and caaizplite the chance given. The people who always blames god/命/天 that there is no chance is absolutely wrong! If they haven’t prepared, work hard or think hard, how can they see the chance themselves, even if they see the opportunity is right in front of them, they wont have the skills, connection, knowledge or experience to take advantage of it.How sad!!!Bomb

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