Three Things You Can Do Now To Live On Earth As If In Heaven


If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:1 – 2)

This year, I believe God wants you to contend for something more than normal. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray in Matthew 6, he said “ask the Father for His Kingdom to come; ask that the Father’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Ever wondered why Jesus asked us to make this our daily request to the Father? I believe that it is because He knew that NOTHING here on earth can actually satisfy the deep longings our hearts desire.
The pleasures your heart is craving for cannot be found in any of the treasures found here on earth.  It is futile to seek for satisfaction in the things that men pursue here on earth: sex, money, fun, wealth, fame, power etc. They may seem to satisfy for a while, but sooner than later, we discover that that they are all fools gold. Like Shakespeare said, these things are like the “tale told by a fool – full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” Sadly, many sacrifice their lives, their family, their health on the altar of the pursuit of these things only to discover too late that there pleasures their heart craved for cannot be found in them.