New Life In Christ Seminar

Jesus came that you may have life and you may have it abundantly (John 10:10). What this means is that God has given you New Life in Christ so that you may have a better life. God wants you to have a:
  • better health
  • better marriage
  • better finances
  • better relationships
  • better character
Is there an area of your life you feel needs to be better? Then sign up for our New Life In Christ Seminars we will learn how to have a better life through receiving and growing in the New Life God has given us in Jesus.  Read more…

Receiving & Growing In New Life

Following Jesus and living the life God has called us and desires for us to live as Christians is not difficult. It is IMPOSSIBLE! We need the power of the Holy Spirit to live this life! Many struggle because they try to achieve by natural means what can only be by supernatural means – by the power of God’s Spirit. 

At Grace Life Center, we have recently launched our Life In The Spirit Seminars, a seven-week course that will introduce participants to a life lived under the grace and power of God available to all in the Holy Spirit.  The seminar helps participants discover the power and passion God has made available so that we can live our life to the fullest.

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How Little People Bring Divine Solutions To Big Human Problems


“Don’t fear, little flock. Your Father wants to share his kingdom with you” (Luke 12:32, ERV)

 Contrary to what many people think, Jesus did not come to solve the world’s problems. Rather He came to make it possible for God, through Jesus, to live in us and through us, solve the problems of the world around us. Jesus came so we could be a people who, in partnership with Him, are bringing divine solutions to human problems. In Colossians 1:27, Paul did not say that Christ is the HOPE of Glory; rather he said “Christ IN US is the hope of glory”. Our opening text confirms this truth and shows us how God works in and through His people to bring divine solutions to big human problems:

A Person Sent By God

“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.”  Joh 1:6 (NKJV)

To be successful is to be a person who accomplishes what God has sent you to do. It means living like someone who is sent by God. What God has called us to do as His children in Grace Life Center is very simple: to become fully devoted followers of Jesus who, in partnership with Jesus, are bringing revival (i.e. divine solutions to human problems) to their generation. What an awesome privilege we have. To be fully devoted simply means that Jesus is all we live for. Our lives are a sacrifice to Jesus. While this is a simple goal, it is not easy. But it is achievable. Here are three actions we can commit to that would increase our chances of being successful in this assignment to be fully devoted followers of Jesus who are bringing God’s solutions to human problems:

Lent Season Guide

Lent is the season leading up to Easter, during which Christians symbolically follow Christ into the wilderness, fasting from lesser things so we might be filled with the greater things of the gospel. The Village Church led by Pastor Matt Chandler have prepared a guide that contains weekly fasts, prayers and Scripture readings to help any one spend the next 40 days of lent focused on God’s work in our lives through Jesus. 
Click on the link below to download this guide. God bless as your fellowship with Jesus during this Lent Season!

Two Great Easter Gifts For You

This Easter, you can receive one of two awesome resources to help you in your walk and growth with the Lord. These are “Word For You Today“, an awesome devotional that will get you into God’s word every day. The other is “The Story That Matters“, a booklet that will help you get the core essence of the stories in the bible, why they are important and how they apply to your lives today. These resources will help you grow in your understanding of God’s love for you, no matter how far away you may have been from Him. Everyone who attends our Easter Service will have an opportunity to receive a book or booklet. 

Hope Can Find You This Easter

Jesus of Nazareth shares many wonderful attributes with other great leaders of faith. Where Jesus is clearly unique from all others is in the claim that after he died He rose again from the dead and was seen ALIVE by over 500 witnesses over a 40 day period! I always used to wonder why this claim was such a big deal.  Until one day about a year ago it struck me.